
  • PEOPLE-2007-2-1-IEF, Provision of optimum radio AcceSS at the Emerging Next GEneration NetwoRks – PASSENGER
  • POSTGRADUATE STUDIES Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens.
  • UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES Diploma in Electrical Engineering (with emphasis in Computer Science), Department of Electrical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens.

Research Interests

  • He has been actively working for many years on the area of network management and quality of service of computer and communication systems where he has introduced the concept of abstract information model, an ancestor of next generation networking middleware, which constitutes his main current research interest along with event-based distributed systems. Other current research activities take upon issues concerning end-to-end multimedia QoS provision, optimization and coexistence of broadband heterogeneous wired/wireless networks.

Teaching Activities

  • POSTGRADUATE COURSES: Network Design and Architectures, Network Management, Network Design and Architectures 
  • UNDERGRADUATE COURSES: Computer Networks, Network Management, Electronic Commerce, Computer Networks, Network Management, Electronic Commerce


Copyright Notice: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted or mass reproduced without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

S.Plastras, D. Tsoumatidis, D. N. Skoutas, A. Rouskas, G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, Non-Terrestrial Networks for Energy-Efficient Connectivity of Remote IoT Devices in the 6G Era: A Survey, Sensors, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 40, 2024, MDPI, (to_appear),, IF = 3.9

The Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining popularity and market share, driven by its ability to connect devices and systems that were previously siloed, enabling new applications and services in a cost-efficient manner. Thus, the IoT fuels societal transformation and enables groundbreaking innovations like autonomous transport, robotic assistance, and remote healthcare solutions. However, when considering the Internet of Remote Things (IoRT), which refers to the expansion of IoT in remote and geographically isolated areas where neither terrestrial nor cellular networks are available, internet connectivity becomes a challenging issue. Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTNs) are increasingly gaining popularity as a solution to provide connectivity in remote areas due to the growing integration of satellites and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with cellular networks. In this survey, we provide the technological framework for NTNs and Remote IoT, followed by a classification of the most recent scientific research on NTN-based IoRT systems. Therefore, we provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of research in IoRT and identify emerging research areas with high potential. In conclusion, we present and discuss 3GPP’s roadmap for NTN standardization, which aims to establish an energy-efficient IoRT environment in the 6G era.

S. Polymeni, D. N. Skoutas, P. Sarigiannidis, G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, Smart Agriculture and Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation: A 6G-IoT Perspective, Electronics, Vol. 13, No. 8, pp. 1480, 2024, MDPI, (to_appear),, IF = 2.6

Smart farming has emerged as a promising approach to address the agriculture industry’s significant contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, the effectiveness of current smart farming practices in mitigating GHG emissions remains a matter of ongoing debate. This review paper provides an in-depth examination of the current state of GHG emissions in smart farming, highlighting the limitations of existing practices in reducing GHG emissions and introducing innovative strategies that leverage the advanced capabilities of 6G-enabled IoT (6G-IoT). By enabling precise resource management, facilitating emission source identification and mitigation, and enhancing advanced emission reduction techniques, 6G-IoT integration offers a transformative solution for managing GHG emissions in agriculture. However, while smart agriculture focuses on technological applications for immediate efficiency gains, it also serves as a crucial component of sustainable agriculture by providing the tools necessary for long-term environmental supervision and resource sustainability. As a result, this study also contributes to sustainable agriculture by providing insights and guiding future advancements in smart farming, particularly in the context of 6G-IoT, to develop more effective GHG mitigation strategies for smart farming applications, promoting a more sustainable agricultural future.

S. Polymeni, S.Plastras, D. N. Skoutas, G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, The Impact of 6G-IoT Technologies on the Development of Agriculture 5.0: A Review, Electronics, Vol. 12, No. 12, pp. 24, 2023, MDPI, (to_appear),, IF = 2.9

Throughout human history, agriculture has undergone a series of progressive transfor- mations based on ever-evolving technologies in an effort to increase productivity and profitability. Over the years, farming methods have evolved significantly, progressing from Agriculture 1.0, which relied on primitive tools, to Agriculture 2.0, which incorporated machinery and advanced farming practices, and subsequently to Agriculture 3.0, which emphasized mechanization and employed intelligent machinery and technology to enhance productivity levels. To further automate and increase agricultural productivity while minimizing agricultural inputs and pollutants, a new ap- proach to agricultural management based on the concepts of the fourth industrial revolution is being embraced gradually. This approach is referred to as “Agriculture 4.0” and is mainly implemented through the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, enabling the remote control of sensors and actuators and the efficient collection and transfer of data. In addition, fueled by technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, quantum sensing, and four-dimensional communication, a new form of smart agriculture, called “Agriculture 5.0,” is now emerging. Agriculture 5.0 can exploit the growing 5G network infrastructure as a basis. However, only 6G-IoT networks will be able to offer the technological advances that will allow the full expansion of Agriculture 5.0, as can be inferred from the relevant scientific literature and research. In this article, we first introduce the scope of Agriculture 5.0 as well as the key features and technologies that will be leveraged in the much-anticipated 6G-IoT communication systems. We then highlight the importance and influence of these developing technologies in the further advancement of smart agriculture and conclude with a discussion of future challenges and opportunities.

S. Polymeni, D. N. Skoutas, G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, FINDEAS: A FinTech-based Approach on Designing and Assessing IoT Systems, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, IEEE, (to_appear), DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3195770, IF = 11.043
K. Skiadopoulos, A. Tsipis, K. Giannakis, G. Koufoudakis, E. Christopoulou, K. Oikonomou, G. Kormentzas, I. Stavrakakis, Synchronization of Data Measurements in Wireless Sensor Networks for IoT Applications , Ad Hoc Networks,, Vol. 89, pp. 47-57, 2019, Elsevier ,
Y. Kryftis, G. Mastorakis, C. X. Mavromoustakis, J.M.Batalla, E. Pallis, G. Kormentzas, Efficient entertainment services provision over a novel network architecture, IEEE Wireless Communications , Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 14-21, 2016,
G. Kormentzas, GAIA Bus: Cloud Computing Services for Agro-Food Chain, International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband Technologies (IJWNBT), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 16-28., 2015,
C. X. Mavromoustakis, A. Bourdena, G. Mastorakis, E. Pallis, G. Kormentzas, An Energy-Aware Scheme for Efficient Spectrum Utilization in a 5G Mobile Cognitive Radio Network Architecture, Springer Telecommunication Systems Journal, 2014,
G. Kormentzas, A Large-Scale Distributed Federated Experimental Facility Offering Simulation Services for Next Generation Wireless Networks , Information Engineering (IE), Vol. 3, pp. 1-11, 2014
A. Bourdena, C. X. Mavromoustakis, G. Kormentzas, E. Pallis, G. Mastorakis, C. X. Mavromoustakis, A Resource Intensive Traffic-Aware Scheme using Energy-efficient Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks, Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier,, Vol. 39, pp. 16-28, 2014,
A. Bourdena, E. Pallis, G. Kormentzas, G. Mastorakis, Efficient Radio Resource Management Algorithms in Opportunistic Cognitive Radio Networks, Emerging Telecommunication Technologies, Wiley, Vol. 25, No. 8, pp. 785-797, 2014,
A. Bourdena, E. Pallis, G. Kormentzas, G. Mastorakis, A prototype cognitive radio architecture for TVWS exploitation under the real time secondary spectrum market policy, Physical Communication, Elsevier, Vol. 10, pp. 159-168, 2014,
A. Bourdena, G. Mastorakis, E. Pallis, G. Kormentzas, A Routing Protocol for Enhanced Efficiency in Cognitive Radio Networks, Journal of Communications and Computers, Vol. 10, pp. 675-685, 2013, (to_appear)
A. Bourdena, E. Pallis, G. Kormentzas, G. Mastorakis, Opportunistic TV White Spaces Exploitation through Efficient Radio Resource Management Algorithms in Cognitive Radio Networks, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT), High Performance Mobile Opportunistic Systems, 2013, Wiley, (to_appear),
J. Alonso-Zárate, L. Alonso, G. Kormentzas, R. Tafazolli, C. Verikoukis, Throughput Analysis of a Cooperative ARQ Scheme in the Presence of Hidden and Exposed Terminals, Journal of Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 258-266, 2012, Springer,
N. Dimitriou, L. Sarakis, D. Loukatos, G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, Vertical Handover Framework for Future Collaborative Wireless Networks, International Journal of Network Management, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 548-564, 2011, , indexed in SCI-E
G. Mastorakis, E. Pallis, G. Kormentzas, A DVB/IP QoS aware Backhaul Networking Environment, Wireless Personal Communications, 2009, (to_appear),
I. Maglogiannis, C. Doukas, G. Kormentzas, T. Pliakas, Wavelet-based Compression with ROI Coding Support for Mobile Access to DICOM Images over Heterogeneous Radio Networks, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2009, IEEE, (to_appear),
G. Gardikis, S. Orfanos, G. Kormentzas, E. Pallis, A. Kouris, Dynamic IP Configuration of Terminals in Broadcasting Networks, Computer Networks, Vol. 52, pp. 292–302, 2008,
T. Pliakas, G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, End-to-end QoS issues of MPEG-4 FGS video streaming traffic delivery in an IP/DVB/UMTS network, European Journal of Operational Research , Vol. 191, pp. 1089-1100 , 2008, Elsevier,
G. Mastorakis, E. Pallis, G. Kormentzas, A Fusion IP/DVB Networking Environment for Providing Always-On Connectivity and Triple-Play Services to Urban and Rural Areas, IEEE Networks, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 21-27, 2007,
E. Borcoci, G. Kormentzas, A. Asgari, T. Ahmed, Admission control algorithm for aggregated pipes service invocation in multi-domain IP environment, Computer Networks, Vol. 51, pp. 4669–4678, 2007,
D. Vassis, G. Kormentzas, Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Networks in the Presence of Exposed Terminals, Ad Hoc Networks, 2007,
D. Vassis, G. Kormentzas, ’Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Networks in the Presence of Hidden Terminals, Computer Networks, Vol. 51, pp. 2345–2352, 2007,
C. Skianis, G. Kormentzas, K. Kontovasilis, G. Lisa, Efficiency Study of the Information Flow Mechanism Enabling Interworking of Heterogeneous Wireless Systems, The Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 80, pp. 1746–1753 , 2007, Elsevier Science,
D. Alexopoulos, J. Soldatos, G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, UbiXML: Programmable Management of Ubiquitous Computing Resources, International Journal of Network Management , Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 415-435 , 2007, Wiley,
T. Pliakas, G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, Scalable Video Streaming Traffic Delivery in IP/UMTS Networking Environments, Journal of Multimedia , Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 37-46 , 2007, Academy Publisher,
G. Kormentzas, T. Andrade, H. Asgari, C. Skianis, Service Management Enhancements to IMS Architecture, International Journal of Network Management , Vol. 17, pp. 363-371 , 2007, Wiley,
J. Anagnostopoulos, C. Anagnostopoulos, D. Vergados, A. Rouskas, G. Kormentzas, The Wisconsin Breast Cancer Problem: Diagnosis and TTR/DFS time prognosis using probabilistic and generalised regression information classifiers, Oncology Reports, special issue Computational Analysis and Decision Support Systems in Oncology, Vol. 15, pp. 975-982, 2006,
E. Vayias, J. Soldatos, G. Kormentzas, Traffic Shaping based on an Exponential Token Bucket for Quantitative QoS: Implementation and Experiments on DiffServ Routers, Computer Communications, Vol. 29, pp. 781–797, 2006,
T. Ahmed, A. Asgari, A. Mehaoua, E. Borcoci, L. Berti-Équille, G. Kormentzas, End-to-End Quality of Service Provisioning Through an Integrated Management System for Multimedia Content Delivery, Computer Communications, 2006,
D. Vassis, G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, Performance Evaluation of Single and Multi-Channel Actor to Actor Communication for Wireless Sensor Actor Networks, Ad Hoc Networks , Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 487-498 , 2006, Elsevier Science,
A. Mehaoua, T. Ahmed, H. Asgari, M. Sidibe, A. Nafaa, G. Kormentzas, T. Kourtis, C. Skianis, Service-driven Inter-domain QoS Monitoring System for Large-scale IP and DVB Networks, Computer Communications, Vol. 29, No. 10, pp. 1687-1695 , 2006, Elsevier Science,
G. Mastorakis, E. Pallis, C. Mantakas, G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, Exploiting Digital Switchover for Broadband Services Access in Rural Areas, Journal of Communications , Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 45-50 , 2006, Academy Publisher,
D. Vouyioukas, I. Maglogiannis, D. Vergados, G. Kormentzas, A. Rouskas, WPAN’s Technologies for Pervasive e-Health Applications – State of the Art and Future Trends, Journal for Quality of Life Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 198-204, 2005, (to_appear), , IF =
D. Vassis, G. Kormentzas, Delay Performance Analysis and Evaluation of IEEE 802.11e EDCA in Finite Load Conditions, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 34, pp. 29–43, 2005,
J. Soldatos, E. Vayias, G. Kormentzas, On the Building Blocks of Quality of Service in Heterogeneous IP Networks, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 70-89, 2005,
D. Kouis, D. Loukatos, K. Kontovasilis, G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, On the Effectiveness of DVB-T for the Support of IP-based Services in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, Computer Networks , Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 57-73 , 2005, Elsevier Science
C. Skianis, G. Kormentzas, K. Kontovasilis, Interactions between Intelligent Multimodal Terminals and a Network Management System in a B3G Context, Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing, Vol. 5, pp. 679-695 , 2005, Wiley,
D. Vassis, G. Kormentzas, A. Rouskas, I. Maglogiannis, The IEEE 802.11g Standard for High Data Rate WLANs, IEEE Network Magazine, 2005,
I. Maglogiannis, G. Kormentzas, N. Panagiotarakis , Emerging Web-Services for Ship Travelers, Information Technology and Tourism (ITT), Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 23-31, 2004,
G. Kambourakis, A. Rouskas, G. Kormentzas, S. Gritzalis, Advanced SSL/TLS based Authentication for Secure WLAN-3G Interworking, IEE Proceedings Communications, Vol. 151, No. 5, pp. 501-506, 2004, IEE Press,, indexed in SCI-E, IF = 0.195

Motivated by the fact that the SSL protocol has proved its effectiveness in wired IP networks, recent research work has examined the potential use of this protocol in various wireless technologies. Although Wi-Fi networks present security deficiencies, they manage to penetrate the wireless market to a great degree due to their low cost, easy administration, great capacity, IP-oriented nature, etc. Considering Wi-Fi networking settings, administrated by different operators, as parts of a common core 3G infrastructure, the author propose the potential application of enhanced SSL-based authentication mechanisms in integrated emerging-3G and Wi-Fi networks. Existing problems related to authentication and key agreement (AKA) procedures and the extensible authentication protocol (EAP)-AKA, as they appear in the latest 3G and integrated 3G/ Wi-Fi specifications, are discussed. It is proposed how EAP-TLS, combined with public key infrastructure (PKI) elements, can be used to overcome these inefficiencies in a hybrid WLAN 3G heterogeneous environment, in order to provide strong authentication and end-to-end security to the mobile user.

G. Kormentzas, I. Maglogiannis, D. Vassis, D. Vergados, A. Rouskas, A Modeling and Simulation Framework for Compound Medical Applications in Regional Healthcare Networks, International Journal of Electronic Healthcare (IJEH), 2004, InderScience Publishers,
A. Rouskas, D. N. Skoutas, G. Kormentzas, D. Vergados, Code Reservation Schemes at the Forward Link in WCDMA, Elsevier Computer Communications, Vol. 27, No. 9, pp. 792-800, 2004, ttps://, IF = 2.766
K. Kontovasilis, G. Kormentzas, A. Kourtis, N. Mitrou, J. Soldatos, E. Vayias, A Web-based Database System for Providing Technical Information on ATM Networking Platforms, Journal of Computing and Information Technology, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1-13, 2003,
G. Kormentzas, K. Kontovasilis, An Open Architecture for Transparently Embedding Advanced Traffic Control Functionality in ATM Switches, Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 64-77, 2001,
K. Kontovasilis, G. Kormentzas, N. Mitrou, J. Soldatos, E. Vayias, A Framework for Designing ATM Network Management Systems by way of Abstract Information Models and Distributed Object Architectures, Computer Communications, Vol. 24, No. 7-8, pp. 641-653, 2001,
G. Kormentzas, E. Pallis, A. Kourtis, K. Kontovasilis, A Broadband Wireless Access System for Wired and Wireless LANs, Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 259-265, 2000,
Y. Nikoloudakis, G. Mastorakis, E. Pallis, E. Markakis, C. Skianis, G. Kormentzas, Vulnerability Assessment of Cybersecurity for IoT Environments, Submmited in IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, 1979


Copyright Notice: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted or mass reproduced without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

S.Plastras, S. Polymeni, D. N. Skoutas, C. Skianis, G. Kormentzas, The Development of a Distributed Monitoring System for Precision Agriculture in The Northern Aegean Islands: The AGRICA II Project, Eurogeo Conference 2022, , (ed), (eds), (to_appear), May, 2022, Mytilene, Lesvos Island, Greece, Eurogeo,
G. Mastorakis, C. X. Mavromoustakis, A. Bourdena, G. Kormentzas, E. Pallis, Maximizing Energy Conservation in a Centralized Cognitive Radio Network Architecture, 18th IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (IEEE CAMAD 2013), pp. 5, Sep, 2013, Berlin, Germany,
G. Mastorakis, A. Bourdena, C. X. Mavromoustakis, E. Pallis, G. Kormentzas, An energy-efficient routing protocol for ad-hoc cognitive radio networks, Future Network & Mobile Summit 2013 (IEEE FUNEMS2013), (to_appear), Jul, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal,
A. Bourdena, E. Pallis, G. Kormentzas, G. Mastorakis, Radio Resource Management Algorithms for Efficient QoS Provisioning over Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE ICC2013, IEEE International Conference on Communications, pp. 1008-1013, Jun, 2013, Budapest, Hungary,
A. Bourdena, E. Pallis, G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, G. Mastorakis, QoS provisioning and policy management in a broker-based CR network architecture, IEEE Globecom2012, IEEE International Workshop on Recent Advances in Cognitive Communications and Networking, pp. 1841 – 1846, Dec, 2012, Anaheim, San Francisco, USA,
A. Bourdena, E. Pallis, G. Kormentzas, G. Mastorakis, A radio resource management framework for TVWS exploitation under an auction-based approach, 8th International Conference on Network and Service Management, IEEE CNSM 2012, pp. 204-208, Oct, 2012, The Mirage, Las Vegas, USA,
A. Bourdena, G. Mastorakis, E. Pallis, C. X. Mavromoustakis, G. Kormentzas, E. Karditsis, A Radio Resource Management Framework for Opportunistic TVWS Access, 1st ACM Workshop on High Performance Mobile Opportunistic Systems, IEEE ACM HP-MOSys 2012, pp. 33-38, Oct, 2012, Paphos, Cyprus,
A. Bourdena, G. Mastorakis, G. Kormentzas, E. Pallis, A Spectrum Aware Routing Protocol for Ad-Hoc Cognitive Radio Networks, 23rd International Conference on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communication, IEEE PIMRC 2012, pp. 1096 - 1101, Sep, 2012, Sydney, Australia,
A. Bourdena, G. Mastorakis, E. Pallis, A. Arvanitis, G. Kormentzas, A Dynamic Spectrum Management Framework for Efficient TVWS Exploitation, 17th IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks, IEEE CAMAD 2012, pp. 51-55, Sep, 2012, Barcelona, Spain,
G. Mastorakis, A. Bourdena, G. Kormentzas, E. Pallis, Spectrum aware routing in ad-hoc cognitive radio networks, Future Network & Mobile Summit 2012 (IEEE FUNEMS2012), pp. 1-9, Jul, 2012, Berlin, Germany,
A. Bourdena, G. Mastorakis, E. Pallis, A. Arvanitis, G. Kormentzas, A Spectrum Aware Routing Protocol for Public Safety Applications over Cognitive Radio Networks, International Conference on Telecommunication & Multimedia, IEEE TEMU 2012, pp. 7-12, Jul, 2012, Heraklion, Crete, Greece,
A. Bourdena, G. Mastorakis, E. Pallis, E. Karditsis, G. Kormentzas, A radio resource management framework for TVWS exploitation under the RTSSM policy, Proc. International Conference on Telecommunication & Multimedia, IEEE TEMU 2012, pp. 1-6, Jul, 2012, Heraklion, Crete, Greece,
A. Bourdena, E. Pallis, G. Kormentzas, G. Mastorakis, A centralised broker-based CR network architecture for TVWS exploitation under the RTSSM policy, 2nd IEEE Workshop on Convergence among Heterogeneous Wireless Systems in Future Internet (ICC2012 - CONWIRE), pp. 5685 - 5689, Jun, 2012, Ottawa, Canada,
A. Bourdena, E. Pallis, G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, G. Mastorakis, Real-Time TVWS Trading Based on a Centralised CR Network Architecture, IEEE Globecom2011, IEEE International Workshop on Recent Advances in Cognitive Communications and Networking, pp. 964 - 969, Dec, 2011, Texas, Houston, USA,
G. Mastorakis, A. Bourdena, G. Kormentzas, E. Pallis, V. Zacharopoulos, TV White Spaces exploitation utilizing a Cognitive Radio system based on DVB-H, IEEE International Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, IEEE CNDS2011, pp. 127-130, Feb, 2011, Tehran, Iran,
N. Dimitriou, G. Lampropoulos, L. Sarakis, C. Skianis, G. Kormentzas, A Cognitive Network Approach for Performing Media Independent Handover, 1st International Workshop on Mobility in Future Internet (MiFI ’10), Jul, 2010, Chania, Greece,
A. Bourdena, G. Kormentzas, A. Astrinaki, G. Mastorakis, E. Pallis, V. Zacharopoulos, Efficient sharing of TV White Spaces utilizing mobile TV networks with a cognitive radio approach, International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia (TEMU2010), pp. 102-109, Jul, 2010, Chania, Crete, Greece,
G. Lampropoulos, H. Marques, L. Sarakis, J. Ribeiro, C. Skianis, G. Kormentzas, Enhanced Media Independent Handover Procedure for Next Generation Networks, Future Network & MobileSummit 2010 Conference, Dec, 2010,
J. Anagnostopoulos, N. Dimitriou, C. Skianis, G. Kormentzas, Identifying Personalization Patterns using Intelligent Techniques in XML based communication records, 4th International Workshop on Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP 2009), Dec, 2009, San Sebastian, Spain,
N. Dimitriou, A. Andreou, L. Campos, N. Carapeto, G. Kormentzas, G. Phinikarides, L. Sarakis, C. Skianis, S. Socratous, Business Cases and Deployment Scenarios for Future Collaborative Wireless Networks, ICT-MobileSummit 2009 Conference, (to_appear), Dec, 2009,
G. Lampropoulos, P. Neves, J. Lauterjung, A. Gomes, H. Marques, G. Kormentzas, L. Sarakis, C. Skianis, Specification of Optimized Handover Operations among Cooperative Networking Environments, ICT-MobileSummit 2009 Conference, (to_appear), Dec, 2009,
G. Kormentzas, A Full Virtual/Programmable Testing Environment for PQoS/NQoS Experimentation, TEMU 2008, Jul, 2008, Ierapetra, Greece,
V. Kapourani, G. Kormentzas, Cross-Layer Adaptation in a P2P System, Mobimedia 2008, Jul, 2008, Oulu, Finland,
G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, Next Generation Networks: Middleware Challenges for Distributed Experimental Infrastructures, Globecom 2007, Dec, 2007, Wasinghton, USA,
G. Kormentzas, Middleware Challenges for Distributed Next Generation Experimantal Infrastructures, PIMRC 2007, Sep, 2007, Athens, Greece,
T. Pliakas, G. Kormentzas, S. Tsekeridou, Joint Scalable Video Coding and Packet Prioritization for Video Streaming over IP/802.11e Heterogeneous Networks, Mobimedia 2007, Sep, 2007, Nafpaktos, Greece,
D. Loukatos, L. Sarakis, K. Kontovasilis, C. Skianis, G. Kormentzas, Tools and Practices for Measurement-based Network Performance Evaluation, 12th Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD ’07), Part of PIMRC 2007, Sep, 2007, Athens, Greece,
G. Kormentzas, Building an Experimental Infrastructure for B3G Testing Using an Event-based Distributed System, IST Mobile Summit 2007, Jul, 2007, Budapest, Hungary,
G. Gardikis, C. Kokkinis, G. Kormentzas, Performance Evaluation of Time Slicing and MPE-FEC Mechanisms of the DVB-H Data Link Layer, European Wireless 2007 conference, Apr, 2007, Paris, France,
T. Pliakas, G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, A. Kourtis, MPEG-4 FGS video streaming traffic delivery experimentation in an IP/DVB network, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007), pp. 622 - 627 , Dec, 2007,
G. Kormentzas, D. Kouis, C. Skianis, P. Stathopoulos, Provision of Active Services through Next Generation Networking Middleware, 49th annual IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2006), pp. 1340-1344 , Nov, 2006,
C. Doukas, I. Maglogiannis, G. Kormentzas, Advanced Telemedicine Services through Context-aware Medical Networks, International Special Topic Conference on Information Technology in Biomedicine (ITAB2006), Oct, 2006, Ioannina, Greece,
T. Pliakas, G. Kormentzas, A. Kourtis, Media delivery experimentation studies in a linux-based heterogeneous IP/DVB network, European Symposium on Mobile Media Delivery (EuMob), Sep, 2006, Sardinia, Italy,
C. Doukas, G. Kormentzas, Active Services Substantiation through SOAP, 6th International Network Conference (INC2006), Jul, 2006, Plymouth, G Britain,
V. Kapourani, G. Kormentzas, An Overview of MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation (DIA) and Intellectual Property Management and Protection (IPMP) Features, International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia (TEMU2006), Jul, 2006, Heraklion, Greece,
G. Mastorakis, E. Pallis, C. Mantakas, G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, Exploiting Digital Terrestrial Television for Broadband access to Dispersed Locations, IP over DVB Networks Workshop στα πλαίσια του ICC 2006, Jun, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey,
G. Xilouris, G. Kormentzas, A. Kourtis, Joint DiffServ and BM operation in a Heterogeneous IP/DVB Network, IP over DVB Networks Workshop στα πλαίσια του ICC 2006, Jun, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey,
G. Gardikis, G. Kormentzas, A. Kourtis, ’Dynamic IP Configuration for Interactive Digital Television Terminals, IP over DVB Networks Workshop στα πλαίσια του ICC 2006, Jun, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey,
D. Alexopoulos, G. Kormentzas, J. Soldatos, XML Systems for Intelligent Management of Pervasive Computing Resources, 3rd IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications & Innovations (AIAI 2006), Jun, 2006, Athens, Greece,
G. Xilouris, G. Kormentzas, A. Kourtis, Traffic Differentiation Support in a Heterogeneous IP/DVB Network, IST Mobile Summit 2006, Jun, 2006, Mykonos, Greece,
D. Babb, L. Campos, N. Ibrahim, G. Kormentzas, S. Mayrargue, C. Politis, J. Rodriguez, A. Gameiro, R. Tafazolli, A Virtual Distributed Testbed for Optimisation and Coexistence of Heterogeneous Systems, IST Mobile Summit 2006, Jun, 2006, Mykonos, Greece,
G. Mastorakis, E. Pallis, C. Mantakas, G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, Exploiting Digital Terrestrial Television for Broadband access to Dispersed Locations, 1st IEEE International Workshop on ‘IP over Broadcasting Networks’ (IPBN 2006), part of the IEEE ICC 2006, C.Skianis , (ed), pp. 1-4 , Jun, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey,
E. Borcoci, A. Asgari, G. Kormentzas, T. Ahmed, A. Mehaoua, Admission Control Algorithm for Aggregated Pipes Service Invocation in Multi-domain IP Environment, 3rd International Workshop on Next Generation Networking Middleware (NGNM06), May, 2006, Cumbria, Portugal,
D. Vassis, G. Kormentzas, Delay Analysis of IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Networks in Finite Load Conditions under the Hidden Terminal Problem, European Wireless Conference 2006, Apr, 2006, Athens, Greece,
J. Rodriguez, A. Gameiro, C. Politis, G. Kormentzas, N. Ibrahim, Virtual Distributed Testbed for Optimization and Coexistence of Heterogeneous Systems, 2nd International IEEE/Create-Net Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities, Mar, 2006, Barcelona, Spain,
D. Vassis, G. Kormentzas, Throughput Analysis for IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Networks under the Hidden Terminal Problem, IEEE CCNC2006 HWN-RMQ Workshop, Jan, 2006, Nevada, USA,
D. Vassis, G. Kormentzas, Performance Analysis of Exposed Terminal Effect in IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Networks in Finite Load Conditions, NETWORKING 2006, F. Boavida et al. , (eds), pp. 439 – 450, Dec, 2006,
T. Pliakas, G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, End-to-End QoS Issues of MPEG4-FGS Video Streaming Traffic Delivery in an IP/UMTS Network, 9th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Management of Multimedia and Mobile Networks & Services (MMNS 2006), A. Helmy et al. , (eds), pp. 247-255, Dec, 2006, Springer,
C. Doukas, I. Maglogiannis, G. Kormentzas, Medical Image Compression using Wavelet Transform on Mobile Devices with ROI coding support, 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Sep, 2005, Shanghai, China,
G. Gardikis, G. Kormentzas, G. Xilouris, H. Koumaras, A. Kourtis, Broadband Data Access over Hybrid DVB-T Networks, 3rd International Working Conference on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NETs '05), Jul, 2005, Ilkley, UK,
E. Borcoci, A. Asgari, N. Butler, T. Ahmed, A. Mehaoua, G. Kormentzas, S. Eccles, Service Management for End to End QoS Multimedia Content Delivery in Heterogeneous Environemnt, Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications, Jul, 2005, Lisbon, Portugal,
K. Katzourakis, G. Kormentzas, K. Kontovasilis, C. Efstathiou, An Open Distributed Software System for Providing Traffic Control and Resource Management Functionality in Heterogeneous ATM Core Networks, Fifth International Network Conference, pp. 63-71, Jul, 2005, Samos Island, Greece,
C. Doukas, V. Moulos, I. Maglogiannis, G. Kormentzas, Performance of a Java-based Mobile 3-tier PACS Application for DICOM compliant Medical Images over Heterogeneous Radio Networks, Fifth International Network Conference, pp. 261-269, Jul, 2005, Samos Island, Greece,
C. Doukas, V. Moulos, G. Vafiadis, I. Maglogiannis, G. Kormentzas, Scalable Medical Image Compression and Transmission on Mobile Devices using Wavelet Transform with ROI coding, Fifth International Network Conference, pp. 501-508, Jul, 2005, Samos Island, Greece,
T. Ahmed, A. Asgari, E. Borcoci, S. Eccles, G. Kormentzas, A. Kourtis, A. Mehaoua, G. Xilouris, Enthrone Core Networking Elements for End-to-End QoS Provision over Heterogeneous Settings, IST Mobile Summit 2005, Jun, 2005, Dresden, Germany,
A. Mehaoua, T. Ahmed, H. Asgari, G. Kormentzas, G. Xilouris, Inter-domain QoS Monitoring System for Supporting Service Assurance and Resource Management across Heterogeneous Networks, 2nd International Workshop on Next Generation Networking Middleware, pp. 44-54, May, 2005, Waterloo, Canada,
I. Maglogiannis, G. Kormentzas, N. Panagiotarakis , I. Zormpas, SEAWISE: A Framework for Web Based Intelligent Integration of Sea Transport and Personal Mobile Trip Guide Services, Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, Frew A., (ed), Dec, 2005, 34-45, Springer Verlag,
J. Soldatos, L. Polymenakos, G. Kormentzas, Programmable Grids Framework Enabling QoS in an OGSA Context, International Conference on Computational Science, pp. 195-201, Jun, 2004, Springer Verlag,
T. Pliakas, G. Kormentzas, End-to-End QoS Management over Heterogeneous Wireless/Wired Networks, Mobile Venue 04, May, 2004, Athens, Greece,
T. Ahmed, A. Mehaoua, H. Asgari, G. Kormentzas, E. Borcoci, T. Kourtis, S. Eccles, End-to-End Quality of Service Provisioning Through an Integrated Network Management System, 1st International Workshop on Next Generation Networking Middleware, pp. 37-45, May, 2004, Athens, Greece,
C. Skianis, K. Kontovasilis, G. Kormentzas, G. Lisa, Simulation Study of a Signalling Protocol Efficiency in a Composite Radio Environment, 2004 High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPC&S) Conference in conjunction with the 18th EUROPEAN SIMULATION MULTICONFERENCE (ESM 2004) , pp. 17-22 , Dec, 2004, Magdeburg, Germany,
A. Kourtis, C. Skianis, G. Kormentzas, G. Xilouris, D. Negru, A. Mehaoua, T. Ahmed, E. Borcoci, H. Asgari, S. Eccles, Provisioning of End to End QoS in Diverse Environments: The ENTHRONE View, Special Session on Transition to digital terrestrial television in UHF (DVB-T) in 8th WSEAS International Conference on Communications, pp. 626-631 , Dec, 2004, Athens, Greece,
C. Skianis, G. Kormentzas, A. Kourtis, G. Xilouris, A. Mehaoua, T. Ahmed, D. Negru, E. Borcoci, E. LeDoeuff, ENTHRONE Perspective for E2E QoS, 13th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, pp. 96-100 , Dec, 2004, Lyon, France,
C. Skianis, G. Xilouris, G. Kormentzas, D. D. Kouvatsos, A Testbed Environment for Validation of End-to-End QoS Provision for the Content Delivery Chain over Heterogeneous Systems, 2nd International Working Conference on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NETs’04), D. Kouvatsos , (ed), pp. 89/1-89/8 , Dec, 2004, Ilkley,
I. Maglogiannis, G. Kormentzas, A. Rouskas, D. Vergados, N. Panagiotarakis , An integrated platform for providing ship management, tourist information and booking services, ENTER 2004 IFITT, 11th International Conference On Information Technology and Travel & Tourism, Dec, 2004, Cairo, Egypt ,
K. Katzourakis, G. Kormentzas, K. Kontovasilis, C. Efstathiou, A Virtual Signalling Protocol for Transparently Embedding Advanced Traffic Control and Resource Management Functionality in ATM Core Networks, Management of Multimedia Networks and Services, pp. 259-271, Sep, 2003, Springer Verlag,
D. Vassis, G. Kormentzas, An Architectural Framework for Providing WLAN Roaming, 1st International Working Conference on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NETs '03), Jul, 2003, Ilkley, UK,
I. Maglogiannis, G. Kormentzas, N. Panagiotarakis , Using Information and Communication Technologies in Maritime Travel Business, 10th International Conference On Information Technology and Travel and Tourism, Jan, 2003, Helsinki, Finland,
G. Kormentzas, C. Skianis, K. Kontovasilis, A Framework for the Design of Experiments for the Validation of the Composite Radio Concept, 1st International Working Conference on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NETs’03), D. Kouvatsos , (ed), pp. 53/1-53/6 , Dec, 2003, Ilkley,
K. Kontovasilis, C. Skianis, G. Kormentzas, Estimating Signalling Efficiency in a Composite Radio Environment, 1st International Working Conference on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NETs’03), D. Kouvatsos , (ed), pp. 65/1-65/12 , Dec, 2003, Ilkley,
I. Maglogiannis, G. Kormentzas, N. Panagiotarakis , The Business Model of a Distributed Web-based Virtual Travel Agency, 15th EEEE Conference in Operational Research, Nov, 2002, Tripoli, Greece,
N. Panagiotarakis , I. Maglogiannis, G. Kormentzas, An Overview of Major Satellite Systems, 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Multimedia, Internet and Video Technologies, Sep, 2002, Skiathos, Greece,
F. Lazarakis, G. Kormentzas, D. Vergados, K. Panagiotopoulos, D. Vassis, A. Tsakrikadakis, A GIS-based Methodology for Designing Wireless Links, WSES, pp. 203-208, Sep, 2002,
D. Vassis, A. Tsakrikadakis, K. Panagiotopoulos, G. Kormentzas, F. Lazarakis, D. Vergados, Building Robust Military Networks Using and Advanced Software Tools, Building Robust Military Networks Using and Advanced Software Tools, pp. 18-23, Sep, 2002,
G. Kormentzas, D. Vergados, J. Soldatos, G. Stassinopoulos, An Open Signaling Protocol for Wireless Host Mobility, 6th International Conference on Protocols for Multimedia Systems, pp. 145-154, Oct, 2001, Springer Verlag,
J. Soldatos, D. Vergados, N. Protopsaltis, C. Lykou, G. Kormentzas, C. Anagnostopoulos, M. Theologou, Applying Mobile IP over Wireless ATM Communication Networks, 54th Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference, Oct, 2001, New Jersey, USA,
G. Kormentzas, J. Soldatos, D. Vergados, Building a Programmable Wireless Military Network Using Software Agents, Classified MILCOM, Oct, 2001,
D. Vergados, G. Kormentzas, C. Gizelis, F. Lazarakis, M. Theologou, G. Stassinopoulos, Applying the UMTS and GPRS Technology in Existing Military Communication Networks: A Case Study, Unclassified MILCOM, Oct, 2001,
D. Vergados, G. Kormentzas, C. Lykou, C. Anagnostopoulos, N. Protopsaltis, G. Stassinopoulos, Network Management Approaches in 3G Tactical Wireless Communication Networks, Unclassified MILCOM, Oct, 2001,
G. Kormentzas, D. Vergados, WAP against Competing Technologies and Solutions, WSES, pp. 10-12, Jul, 2001,
D. Vergados, J. Soldatos, G. Kormentzas, E. Vayias, F. Lazarakis, C. Gizelis, G. Stassinopoulos, Programming Military Networks: A Review of Alternative Technologies, 8th International Conference on Advances in Communications and Control, Jun, 2001, Crete, Greece,
N. G. Protopsaltis, D. Vergados, C. Anagnostopoulos, J. Anagnostopoulos, G. Kormentzas, G. Kokolakis , M. Theologou, Call Admission Control and QoS in Wireless ATM Networks, 8th ComCon Conference, pp. 91-101, Jun, 2001, Rethymon, Greece,
G. Kormentzas, K. Kontovasilis, Software Switch Extensions for Portable Deployment of Traffic Control Algorithms, 5th IFIP TC6 International Symposium on Next Generation Networks, Networks and Services for the Information Society, pp. 264-277, Oct, 2000,
J. Soldatos, G. Kormentzas, E. Vayias, K. Kontovasilis, N. Mitrou, An Intelligent Agents-Based Prototype Implementation of an Open Platform Supporting Portable Deployment of Traffic Control Algorithms in ATM Networks, 7th International Conference on Advances in Communications and Control, pp. 251-261, Jun, 1999, Athens, Greece,
G. Kormentzas, J. Soldatos, E. Vayias, K. Kontovasilis, N. Mitrou, An ATM Switch-Independent MIB for Portable Deployment of Traffic Control Algorithms, 7th International Conference on Advances in Communications and Control, pp. 237-249, Jun, 1999, Athens, Greece,
K. Kontovasilis, G. Kormentzas, A. Kourtis, N. Mitrou, J. Soldatos, E. Vayias, A Web-Based System for Providing Information about Prototype ATM Platforms, Associated Research Projects and Related Trials, 21st International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, pp. 197-203, Jun, 1999, Pula, Croatia,
G. Kormentzas, K. Kontovasilis, A. Kourtis, J. Soldatos, E. Vayias, N. Mitrou, A Web-based Management System Architecture for Heterogeneous Cellular Wireless Platforms, 4rd ACTS Mobile Communications Summit, pp. 689-694, Jun, 1999, Sorento, Italy,
G. Kormentzas, K. Kontovasilis, A. Kourtis, J. Soldatos, E. Vayias, N. Mitrou, Managing Heterogeneous Cellular Wireless Systems Using Abstract Information Models, 4rd ACTS Mobile Communications Summit, pp. 683-688, Jun, 1999, Sorento, Italy,
J. Soldatos, G. Kormentzas, E. Vayias, K. Kontovasilis, N. Mitrou, ATM Management: Challenges and Solutions for the Heterogeneous Environment, 2nd IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Management of Multimedia Networks and Services, pp. 1-15, Nov, 1998, Versailles, France,
E. Vayias, J. Soldatos, G. Kormentzas, C. Vaduva, Off-line Demonstrations Using the Off-line Demonstration Tool (Based on the WATT Trials and On-line Demonstrations), Symposium on Windowing ATM Technology through ACTS projects, Sep, 1998, Cluj Napoca, Romania,
E. Vayias, J. Soldatos, N. Mitrou, K. Kontovasilis, G. Kormentzas, Managing Networks over the Web: Classification of approaches and an Implementation, IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications, pp. 451-456, Jun, 1998, Chalkidiki, Greece,
G. Kormentzas, V. Pallis, A. Kourtis, K. Kontovasilis, A Cellular System for Providing Wireless Services, 3rd ACTS Mobile Communications Summit, pp. 672-677, Jun, 1998, Rhodes, Greece,
N. Mitrou, E. Vayias, J. Soldatos, K. Kavidopoulos, G. Branis, K. Kontovasilis, G. Kormentzas, C. Vaduva, Remote Monitoring of Networks through Gateway Programming over the Internet, 13th UK Workshop on Performance Engineering of Computer and Telecommunication, pp. 32/1-32/8, Jul, 1997, Ilkley, England,


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Chapters in Books

Copyright Notice: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted or mass reproduced without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

S.Plastras, S. Polymeni, D. N. Skoutas, C. Skianis, G. Kormentzas, Sustainable Networking Solutions in Remote IoT Environments: Use Cases, Challenges, and Solutions for Smart Agriculture, chapter in: Re-visioning Geography Supporting the SDGs in the post-COVID era, Aikaterini Klonari, Maria Luisa De Lázaro y Torres, Athanasios Kizos, (ed), (eds), pp. , 2023, Springer, Cham, (to_appear),
A. Bourdena, P. Makris, D. N. Skoutas, C. Skianis, G. Kormentzas, E. Pallis, G. Mastorakis, Joint Radio Resource Management in Cognitive Networks: TV White Spaces Exploitation Paradigm, chapter in: Evolution of Cognitive Networks and Self-Adaptive Communication Systems, Thomas Lagkas, Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, Malamati Louta, Periklis Chatzimisios, pp. 50-80, 2013, IGI Global,

Conferences Proceedings Editor

Copyright Notice: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted or mass reproduced without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.