Title Databases I
Lesson Code 321-3200
Semester 4
Hours (Theory) 3
Hours (Lab) 2
Faculty Vlachou Akrivi


Introduction to Database Management Systems (DBMS). Databases. Database users. Advantages of using a DBMS. Schemas and instances. DBMS architecture. The principle of data independence. The entity-relationship, the relational and the object-relational model. Integrity constraints. Database update operations. Database languages. Relational algebra. Tuple and domain relational calculus. The QBE language. SQL as a query language: queries, views, update statements. Introduction to primary file organizations and indexes. Presentation of commercial DBMSs.

Learning Outcomes

The student that will complete successfully the course is expected that will be in position to:

  • Analyze the requirements and design a database
  • Apply the principles of conceptual and logical modeling and designing of databases
  • Implement SQL queries in a database management systems
  • Design well structured databases based on the normalization rules
  • Understand the cost of processing a query on a database.

Prerequisite Courses

Not required.

Basic Textbooks

1. Elmasri R. and Navathe S.B.: "Θεμελιώδεις Αρχές Συστημάτων Βάσεων Δεδομένων", 6η Έκδοση, 2012. Μετάφραση από τις Εκδόσεις Δίαυλος (in Greek).
2. Μανωλόπουλος Ι. και Παπαδόπουλος Α.: "Συστήματα Βάσεων Δεδομένων", Εκδόσεις Νέων Τεχνολογιών, 2006 (in Greek).
3. Ramakrishnan R., Gehrke J.: "Συστήματα Διαχείρισης Βάσεων Δεδομένων", 3η Έκδοση, 2012 (in Greek).

Additional References

1. A.Silberschatz, H.F. Korth and S. Sudarshan: "Database System Concepts", Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2010.
2. Garcia-Molina H., Ullman J. and Widom J.: "Database Systems: The Complete Book", Prentice Hall Inc., 2002.
3. Date C.J.: "An Introduction to Database Systems", 8th Edition, Addison Wesley-Pearson Education Inc., 2004.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Activity Semester workload
Lectures 39 hours
Laboratory Exercises 26 hours
Personal study 56 hours
Mid-term Exam 1 hour
Final exams 3 hours
Course total 125 hours (5 ECTS)

Student Performance Evaluation

Personal assignments and pair or group assignments, lab practice, regular short assessments in the form of a quiz test, final examination.

Language of Instruction and Examinations

Greek, English (for Erasmus students)

Delivery Mode
